Fast and Secure Way to Get your Documents Signed
Templates save the prepared fields to your documents, eliminating the need to drag and drop fields every time you send. With the formatted template saved in your Dropbox Sign account, you can reuse it without fuss.
eSignatures from Dropbox Sign are legally binding and have the same legal standing as pen and paper. Affixed to each Dropbox Sign signature request is a non-editable audit trail to ensure every action is thoroughly tracked and time-stamped.
Team Management
Account admins have the power to manage document permissions and configure team settings from a centralised dashboard, keeping everything more organised and secure.
Data Security
Customer data and documents are encrypted and protected by HelloSign. For each signed document, Dropbox Sign provides a non-editable audit trail with when, who, and where (IP address) the document was signed.
Document Management
Document management systems help with improved regulatory compliance, easier retrieval of the documents in question, enhanced collaboration within teams and a more efficient way to back up everything.
API Integration
Integrate into your website or application, creating a consistent and uniform experience for signers and senders.
Streamline your Workflow
Prepare & Send
Simply upload the document that needs to be signed to Dropbox Sign. Drag-and-drop the fields you want to be signed and add the signer's email address. Click send for signature.
Your signer will receive an email notification with a link to sign your document. After the signer has completed their step, the signed document will be available in your Dropbox Sign account immediately.
Dropbox Sign provides a dashboard for you to track the progress of signature requests, send reminders to signers, and view all signed documents. You can also customise the branding and manage the access of your team members inside your account settings.
Brands using Dropbox Sign
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